Sunday, July 22, 2007


Why would it be traumatizing for a sexually mature body to begin experimenting with sex? There is a lot of talk of emotional maturity and how it will impact the total well being of the child but isn't that because of society and in reality has absolutely nothing to do with age?

For hundreds of years teenagers were married and bearing children and it was considered normal. When an animal becomes sexually mature it start attempting to reproduce.

It is only societal constraints that make it inappropriate for a 13 year old boy to try and have sex. But wait, in the US that isn't considered too outside the realm of societal norm, in fact it is not only somewhat accepted it is practically expected. Why the double standard for females? Especially since it seems to be a commonally accepted edict that women mature emotionally faster than men.

The sexual taboos and constraints given to us by those we accept as our social dictators are causing great mental anxiety for the rest of the population that is following a natural instinct and being told that it is immoral. Sexuality isn't immoral. If sex were immoral then man would have gone extinct thousands of years ago.

What is the our fascination with drawing arbitrary lines in the sand and declaring right from wrong?

It's wrong to have sex- but only if you are "not an adult", whatever that means.
It's wrong to kill- unless the majority of the people think it's ok.
It's wrong to take drugs- unless it has a label and was perscribed by a doctor.
It's wrong to use 4 letter words- unless you are an adult.
It's wrong to drink alcohol- unless you are at church.
It's wrong to drink alcohol- unless it's a glass of wine at dinner.
It's wrong to drink alcohol- unless you are over 21.
It's wrong to steal- unless you have just "found" something that belongs to the disenfranchised (see native Americans).
It's wrong to lie- unless you are an actor.

Who made these rules? Why were they made? If it is wrong to kill, don't kill. If it is wrong to take drugs, then no drugs.

When it comes to sex, there is only 1 thing that is wrong. It is wrong to force someone to have sex, period. It doesn't matter if a person is 100, 50, 25, or 13, forcing someone to have sex is wrong. Maybe this is also a slippery slope, but then maybe not. If the person you are attempting to have sex with cannot agree or disagree to having sex, then you are forcing them. A 2 year old, cannot agree or disagree. A 3 year old, can usually talk and they aren't going to want to do what a 50 year old wants to do. If one must cajole, trick, or bribe, it's wrong. Other than that, who cares?!?!


Crankster said...
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Crankster said...

Good to see you again, Monkeylover. And thank you for the thoughts. I spent much of my young adult years freaked out over the idea that I was somehow "using" women for sex. It didn't occur to me until much later that many of them were somewhat cynically "using" me for relationships.
